June Loop Connect: New Year New Mindset
We, the owners of June Loop Swimwear, want to continue our mission of helping women with body image and overall health. You are invited to our second, June Loop Connect Event “New Year/New Mindset". We will be having Gina Gomez, a local Enneagram Instructor, women’s life coach, and author of The Enneagram & You. With over a decade of study and research with the enneagram, she has implemented the powerful tool in her workshops as a way for women to rediscover who they are and improve their relationships. Gina will be teaching us how to create a clearer mindset based on our Enneagram number. The best part is you will get to know yourself better. It's intimate. It's real. It's an opportunity for growth. We want you there to help create change for yourself and the next generation of women. Please join us for this special event!

If you don't know your number, you can take this simple test to find out.
You’ll choose The “Classical Test”
1. Go with your first gut instinct when answering
2. Don’t answer partly more than a few times
3. Answer the questions honestly and based on how you are not and not how you’d like to see yourself.
4. Screenshot your results at the end and save them
We will also have two women share their stories about struggle and how they have grown and healed in the process.
We hope you can join us for this wonderful night of connection and growth.
NOTE: A protion of our proceeds will go to Idaho Miss Amazing. A local organization who empowers women young and old with disabilities, that they are beautiful and amazing just the way they are. http://id.missamazing.org/idaho-miss-amazing
Much Love,
Kristie & June